8 Reasons Why a Good Night's Sleep is Important

Do perfect mornings exist? The simple answer is, yes they do. Routines may differ, time and the ‘very’ idea of a perfect morning may differ, but like your cup of coffee, mornings can be blended into just the right amount of perfection, if you add the ingredients just right!

Well, who doesn’t like it? Easing into the morning with a smile and not with a million snoozes waiting eagerly to shock you out of bed; Taking a moment to breathe, a moment for you, instead of diving headfirst into your day; And probably there are a dozen things to better your day every day! But in the brewing of a perfect morning, one special ingredient remains just the same for us all and that started to happen a while back in the night as you snuggled cosily in your mattress. Indeed, a good night’s sleep adds the right amount of flavor to make not just your mornings but your health too and here’s 8 reasons why.

Good Sleep= Good Mood!
Have you ever taken a moment to think about how the lack of restful sleep makes you feel the next day? Inadequate sleep often affects your mood, resulting in irritability and increased negative emotions and vice versa. Getting the right amount and the right kind of sleep is important to have a good mood; More importantly, a healthier and happier you.

Good Sleep= Good Mood-Couple Goal

A snooze closer to your fitness goal:
The ‘Fitness Path’ is mainly composed of physical activity, good food and good sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, poor sleep quality may lead to metabolic disorders, weight gain, and an increased risk of obesity. A good night’s sleep sets your path straight towards regulated metabolism and controlled appetite, helping you with your fitness goals and keeping off any unnecessary weight gain.

Boost your Energy, Dozing!
Studies often suggest sleeping helps in increased energy levels and enhances physical activity. During the slow-wave sleep or the ‘deep sleep,’ the body is involved in the renewing and reparation process. Sleep is your body’s time to recover from the previous day’s activity and strengthen the muscles while enhancing your body’s ability to make ATP energy molecules (primary carrier of energy in cells).

Doze away from unhealthy Cravings!
Sleep influences the regulation of hormones ghrelin (stimulates appetite) and leptin (reduces appetite). Inadequate sleep increases ghrelin production, resulting in disrupting a healthy appetite. Weight loss and weight control can be challenging, but a good night’s sleep will make it better.

Sleep your way to Productivity:
Research shows that good sleep is essential to develop and enhance memory, creativity, judgement, innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities. Adequate quality sleep helps increase attention and concentration, which is rooted in increased and enhanced cognitive functions. Similar to energy restoration during deep sleep, REM sleep restores your mind, perhaps in part by helping clear out irrelevant information.

Decreased Stress and Anxiety:
As stress has become a part of our daily lives, a little too much can adversely affect our mental and physical well-being. The hormone cortisol also known as the ‘fight or flight hormone’, increases in states of stress increasing your heart rate in anticipation of a fight. Getting restful sleep regulates the level of cortisol and restores balance in the body and builds your ability to process stress.

A shot of Immunity:
Immunity is everything. As we waltz into our lives, our immune system protects, reduces and treats the risks of developing infections and diseases. Little do we know, how quality sleep strengthens and enables a well-balanced immune system by increasing the T cells’ propensity to eliminate the cells infected by viruses and pathogens.

Healthier heart:
We spend almost a third of the day sleeping. It is essential to understand that the ‘down time’ provides the body to restore and recharge mentally and physically. Our cardiovascular system is no exception. Blood pressure drops, heart rate slows and your whole body relaxes during NREM sleep stages. Sleep deprivation or inadequate sleep lessens the body’s ability to recuperate and might increase the likelihood of high blood pressure, heart attack and strokes.

3 Things that help you sleep better:
As often as we say that good and quality sleep is important, it’s not always the case to experience undisturbed, deep sleep. Stress conditions, physical activities, eating habits and a lot of other factors weigh in when it comes to disturbed or inadequate sleep. Remember, changes in your lifestyle and routine habits might be the way to go!

Get your Physical Activity:
You might have noticed that the relationship between exercise and sleep is a complementary one. Exercise helps you sleep better and sleep helps you exercise better. The most obvious way is that after physical activity, the body gets tired, increasing the sleep drive or the demand to rest and sleep. However, it is also studied that physical activity results in the release of endorphins which also plays a part in sound sleep.

Eat Good Food

Eat Good Food:
Here’s a list of things that will aid better sleep

  • Milk
  • Kiwi
  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish
  • Cherries
  • Cheese
  • Honey
  • Figs

Invest in a good mattress: Good sleep is important for health, and a good mattress is essential for sleep. Most often sleep kicks in, only after establishing the sense of comfort. Take a moment and a breath to imagine lying down on a soft, mattress that comforts you in every sleeping position, making you feel cozier and relaxed by the minute. Just the thought of it might make you sleepy, not to forget the smile that pops out subtly. Relive the moment every night with the doctor recommended Orthopedic mattresses, every night.

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